exhibitions and
Every space we enter is an invitation to our spatial senses. At first, we perceive a space in a diffuse manner, rather than through precise and conscious observation. Multi-sensory judgements beyond the five Aristotelian senses (vision, audition, taste, smell and touch) are defined at the very first moment we step into a space. We behold, orientate, measure and memorize the space with our entire bodily existence. The experiential space becomes organised and articulated around the center of the body. For example, the notion of orientation and distance can only be known through a bodily experience of movement.

Without being intellectually conscious of the details and relying on the Aristotelian senses, we do receive information about the space. We know the space well enough to be able to point adequately to something behind us or with blinded eyes. Our body has the capacity to distinguish where to point to before we have seen, smelled, tasted, heard or touched the details towards we point.

installation hanging at Cinetol Amsterdam
The hanging installation represents an embodiment of the spatial sensations. The three-dimensional existence of this tensegrity structure is solely based on balanced forces of tension and compression. The installation in itself is a compound of spatial senses: balance, orientation, gravity, stability, motion, continuation and scale.

The installation was part of the exhibition Looking at the End of your Index Finger, curated by Tobias Servaas. The exhibition shows a multi-perspectival picture of the gesture of pointing. The collection sprang from a philosophical work on pointing, written by Tobias Servaas.

The artwork is exhibited in Cinetol, Amsterdam in 2019 and published in: "Looking at the end of your index finger. A methodology of pointing as a familiar gesture between saying and showing" by Tobias Servaas.

We can point with our eyes closed.
final installation
nice to meet you!
about Lieke Muis
van der Meer